After paying for the goods, you will receive a form that you must fill out to register an account on our website. If you already have an account, just enter your details.
Next, log in to the site under the login and password specified after payment.
Instructions for launching Phoenix hack CS: GO:
On the site, click on your avatar (top right) -> My applications -> Customize -> Create customization.
Create a setting with any name, choose its main one. To change it, click on its name.
After that we return to "My Applications" and click download. The software is launched before Steam.
To customize the game:
open the overlay on shift + tab, there is a browser and a phoenix site
reload the settings in the game on the reload key - on the website it is in the customization tab
Phoenix Hack Lite launch instructions:
On the site, click on your avatar (top right) -> My applications -> Download
We launch the cheat to steam, then he himself will tell you what to do with it. The menu in the game opens / closes on Insert.
Phoenix Hack CS:GO Launch & Configuration:
Phoenix Hack Lite Launch and Gameplay Video:
We wish you a good game, waiting for feedback from you!
If you have any difficulties or questions, please contact our support On our discord server
News and information about updates can be found in our telegram channel
Also, here you can find this instruction in Arabic - LINK.